Rabu, 02 April 2014

light definition physics

At the height of classical optics, light is defined as electromagnetic waves and triggers a series of inventions and ideas, since 1838 by Michael Faraday with the invention of the cathode ray, 1859 with the black mass radiation theory by Gustav Kirchhoff, the 1877 Ludwig Boltzmann said that the status of the physical system energy can be discrete, quantum theory as a model of the theory of the black mass radiation by Max Planck in 1899 with the hypothesis that the energy is absorbed and teradiasi can be divided into discrete sum called energy elements, E. in 1905, Albert Einstein photoelectric effect experiment, making the light that bathes the atom the electrons to excite leapt out of its orbit. On trial in 1924 by Louis de Broglie showed electrons have the nature of duality particle-wave duality theory erupted, up to particle-wave. Albert Einstein later in 1926 make postulates based on photoelectric effect, that light is composed of quanta called photons have the same duality. The works of Albert Einstein and Max Planck received the Nobel Prize respectively in 1921 and 1918 and formed the basis of quantum mechanical theories developed by many scientists, including Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Born, John von Neumann, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, David Hilbert, Roy j. Glauber and others.

Light 3

This Era came to be called the era of modern optics and light is defined as a transversal electromagnetic-wave dualism and the flow of particles called photons. Further development took place in 1953 with the discovery of x-ray laser and maser, in 1960.

The Era of modern optics, not immediately put an end to the era of classical optics, but introduces the properties of light to another i.e. the diffusion and scattering.

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