Senin, 10 Maret 2014

what is a greenhouse gas effect

what is a greenhouse gas effect
what is a greenhouse gas effect
Greenhouse effect (green House Effect) as long as it bears the negative predicate in the eyes of the community. The actual existence of the greenhouse effect on Earth, it's helpful to human survival. To find out what is the greenhouse effect should we know it used to be the origin of the term "greenhouse effect".

Green House or often meaning as the "House of glass" is the actually the House of glass (glass/plastic) which is also seen in green. Greenhouse in human designs to gardening in an area experiencing winter, cold weather disiasati by building a "House of glass". Plants in a greenhouse it will receive sunlight during the day, sunlight penetrating through the glass but the heat energy staying awake in the room which is designed because the energy is then trapped inside a greenhouse with the help of gas-GHG (greenhouse gasses), the temperature inside the greenhouse will be warmer than the outside temperature. This is analogous to the Green House Effect or the greenhouse effect. This home looks green from afar due to their greenery.

Greenhouse gases are gases that can absorb most of the energy of the radiation from the Sun and then removing/updating the emisikannya back. Some greenhouse gases are: water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone (O3). The gases already exists on the Earth, when the Earth was formed and contribute greatly to human life. The greenhouse effect is a natural effect that already occurred when the Earth began to form, the greenhouse effect helps to keep the average temperature of Earth's surface is still warm.

In a simple process of greenhouse effect is as follows:
Solar energy (which is made up of many penjang waves) before it reaches Earth has experienced by filtering layers which envelop the Earth (eksosfer, thermosphere, stratosphere ..), so that energy-hazardous energy (gamma rays, X-rays) are filtered and which reached its Earth energy is not higher than the energy of the UV-C (UV-A and UV-B is now starting to reach Earth because ozone layer which is "hollow", a discussion of ozone will be discussed later), it occurs naturally in all living beings so that it can live.

The energy that reaches the Earth is partially absorbed, partly reflected back into the atmosphere, the energy is absorbed and then again removed/in-emisikan to the surface in the form of radiation, surface and thermal infra-red. Infrared energy is then absorbed and released on an ongoing basis (continue) by greenhouse gases in the Earth's surface (water vapor, CO2, etc), thus making the surface of the Earth maintained warm.

The greenhouse effect and its relation to climate change (climate change) with regard to its high human activity and caused huge CO2 emissions on the Earth's surface, some of the causes of high CO2 emissions is the burning of petroleum (gasoline, diesel, etc.), logging/deforestation and the production of cement. The high concentration of CO2 is causing the temperature on the surface of the Earth is getting hot.

Before the rain sometimes we feel very hot weather, it is also associated with high air humidity (water vapor), water vapor is also one of the greenhouse gases which can absorb infrared energy and then take it off (emissions) back.

Kamis, 05 September 2013

What is a Greenhouse Gas?

What is a Greenhouse Gas?
What is a Greenhouse Gas?
Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that causes the greenhouse effect. The actual gases naturally occurring in the environment, but can also arise as a result of human activity.

Greenhouse gases are the most numerous is the water vapor that reaches the atmosphere due to the evaporation of water from the sea, lakes and rivers. Carbon dioxide gas is the second largest. It arises from a variety of natural processes such as: volcanic eruptions; the breathing of animals and humans (who breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide); and combustion of organic material (such as plants).

Carbon dioxide can be reduced due to absorption by oceans and absorbed the plant to be used in the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis splits the carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere as well as taking carbons atoms.

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

What is Natural Gas

Natural Gas Facts
 What is Natural GasGas contains various gases, but a majority of are content of methane (CH 4). Since the name implies, propane is a natural resource which is derived naturally from your earth (underground) and isn't a certain chemical product. When gas is extracted from gas wells or even in conjunction with rock oil, the gas still boasts a combination of various gases and liquids (many of which are certainly not energy commodities). Only after the gas is then processed in to a mix between gas market. At this time the gas is usually a mixture of gases
different but methane gas content dominates most of the gas (typically over 85%).

Natural gas is produced together with oil gas called association (associated gas), while the gas produced from wells which are not tied to the oil called non-associated gas (non-associated gas).
When digging coal through the underground mine, many gas might be released through the coal formation. This gas is known as gas mines (colliery gas) or marsh gas (methane colliery). This gas should be taken from the mine for safety reasons. In the event the gas is collected for later use as fuel, the number has to be recorded within the manufacture of gas to be marketed. What is Natural Gas
Natural Gas Price
The phrase wet gas and dry gas is frequently also used. Whenever a gas containing quite a few butane and heavier hydrocarbons (natural gas liquids - NGL), next the gas is known as wet gas. Associated gas produced using the oil, or gas association, normally a wet gas. Mainly dry gas
containing methane with little content of ethane, propane, and others. Non-associated gas, which is created from gas wells seriously isn't associated with oil, often a dry gas. To facilitate long-distance transportation, propane could be transformed into liquid form by reducing its temperature to -160 degrees Celsius in air pressure. When liquefied gas, the effect is called LNG (liquefied gas). Gas liquefaction (gas liquefaction) change the physical type of propane coming from a gas to a liquid, this article remains primarily methane.

Natural gas can be measured in several different units: in line with energy content (heat) or by volume. In all the following sizes, some units are being used within the propane industry:

¦ To measure the action, the unit can be employed are joules, calories, kWh, Btu (British thermal units), or therms (heat).

¦ To measure volume, essentially the most common unit may be the kiloliter (m 3) or cubic feet (cubic feet). If by using a gas measurement unit volume, is very important to be aware what may be the temperature and pressure with the gas is measured. This is necessary, due to the nature of highly compressible gas (compressed), so that the volume of gas will mean anything at certain temperatures and pressures which are decided upon. There is
2 kinds of conditions in which the gas is usually measured:
Natural Gas Companies
¦ Normal conditions: measured with a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and also a pressure of 760 mm Hg.
¦ Standard conditions: measured at the temperature of 15 degrees Celsius along with a pressure of 760 mm Hg. What is Natural Gas

What is Biogas

What is Biogas upgrading
What is Biogas - Biogas is a bio gas production process of organic material with the help of bacteria. The degradation process of organic material without oxygen is called anaerobic digestion involves gas produced most (over 50%) in the form of methane. The collected organic material in the digester (reactor) will diuraiakan into two phases with the help of two types of bacteria. The first phase orgranik material will be degraded to acid a weak acid with the aid of acid-forming bacteria. These bacteria will decompose waste at a rate of hydrolysis and acidification. Hydrolysis is the decomposition of complex compounds or long-chain compounds such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates into simple compounds. While asifdifikasi the acid formation of simple compounds.
What is Biogas used for
Once the organic material turns into acidic acid, then the second stage of the anaerobic digestion process is the formation of methane gas with the help of the methane-forming bacteria such as methanococus, methanosarcina, methano bacterium. What is Biogas

Development of anaerobic digestion process has been successful in many applications. This process has the ability to process waste / sewage overflow and useless existence into a more valuable product. Anaerobic digestion has been successful application in industrial wastewater treatment, agricultural waste and municipal solid waste livestock. What is Biogas
What is Biogas made of

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Ideal Gas Law

Ideal Gas Law Gas is one kind of three states of matter and form, even though this is variety the primary study of chemistry, this chapter will mainly discusses the connection between volume, temperature and gas pressure within the right in addition to the real gas and kinetic molecular theory of gases, and do not direct chemical. The cutting edge discussion is concerning physical changes and chemical reactions are not didisuksikan. However, the physical properties of gases depend on the molecular structure around the gas and chemical properties of gas will also depend on the structure. Behavior of gases which exist as single molecules is a wonderful illustration showing the dependence of macroscopic properties around the microscopic structure.

a. gas properties
Gas properties could possibly be summarized this.

Gas is transparent.
Gas distributed evenly in almost any space space form.
Gas in the chamber will put pressure within the wall.
Amount of gas add up to the quantity of container volume. If gas is not really contained, the gas volume will probably be infinite magnitude, as well as pressure will be infinitely small.
The gas diffuses everywhere no matter whether otherwise you cannot external pressure.
When several mixed gases, the gases shall be distributed evenly.
Gas may be compressed by external pressure. When external pressure is reduced, the gas will expand.
When heated gas will expand, will shrink when cooled.
Of assorted properties inside above, the main element could be the gas pressure. Suppose a liquid meets the container. After the liquid is cooled and volume is reduced, the liquid container that wont meet again. However, the gas will fill the place doesn't invariably matter what the temperature. That may change could be the pressure.

The instrument used to measure the gas pressure manometer. The prototype atmospheric pressure gauge, barometer, put together by Torricelli.