Kamis, 03 April 2014

Electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves

can be described as two waves of transversal propagated in two perpendicular plane of magnetic field and electric field. Towards magnetic waves will push the electric waves, and vice versa, while climbing, wave power will push the wave magnet. The Diagram above shows a light wave propagating from left to right with the electric field in the vertical plane and horizontal plane on the magnetic field.

Rabu, 02 April 2014

light definition physics

At the height of classical optics, light is defined as electromagnetic waves and triggers a series of inventions and ideas, since 1838 by Michael Faraday with the invention of the cathode ray, 1859 with the black mass radiation theory by Gustav Kirchhoff, the 1877 Ludwig Boltzmann said that the status of the physical system energy can be discrete, quantum theory as a model of the theory of the black mass radiation by Max Planck in 1899 with the hypothesis that the energy is absorbed and teradiasi can be divided into discrete sum called energy elements, E. in 1905, Albert Einstein photoelectric effect experiment, making the light that bathes the atom the electrons to excite leapt out of its orbit. On trial in 1924 by Louis de Broglie showed electrons have the nature of duality particle-wave duality theory erupted, up to particle-wave. Albert Einstein later in 1926 make postulates based on photoelectric effect, that light is composed of quanta called photons have the same duality. The works of Albert Einstein and Max Planck received the Nobel Prize respectively in 1921 and 1918 and formed the basis of quantum mechanical theories developed by many scientists, including Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Born, John von Neumann, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, David Hilbert, Roy j. Glauber and others.

Light 3

This Era came to be called the era of modern optics and light is defined as a transversal electromagnetic-wave dualism and the flow of particles called photons. Further development took place in 1953 with the discovery of x-ray laser and maser, in 1960.

The Era of modern optics, not immediately put an end to the era of classical optics, but introduces the properties of light to another i.e. the diffusion and scattering.

The definition of light

Light is a wave-shaped energy elekromagnetik visible wavelengths approximately 380 – 790 nm. In physics, light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength, whether visible or not.

Light is a particle called the photon packet.

Both of the above definition is shown simultaneously so that the light is called the "wave-particle duality". Packets of light called the spectrum then are perceived visually by the sense of sight as the color. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics.

Study of light began with the advent of the era of classical optics, the study of optical quantities such as: intensity, frequency or wavelength, polarization and phases of light. The properties and interactions of light around a geometric approach to partially done such as reflection and refraction, optical properties of fisisnya and approach are: interference, diffraction, dispersion, polarization. Each study of classical optics, this is called geometrical Optics (en: geometrical optics) and physical Optics (en: physical optics).

Selasa, 01 April 2014

Cable ground, cable neutral, cable phase

The electrical system that goes to our homes, if the use of electric system 1 phase, usually made up of three cables:

The first is the phase cable (red) which is a power source back and forth (positive and negative phase phase back and forth continuously). This cable is a cable that carries power from the hydroelectric (PLN for example); These cables are usually called hot wires (hot), to be compared as the positive Pole on the direct current electrical system (although in physics is not right).

Second is the (black) cable neutral. This cable is basically zero voltage reference cables, connected to the soil in power plants, on specific points (on electric pole) electric network cabling is connected to neutral to ground voltage on the transformer down primarily from high-voltage channels three lines into three phases plus line line ground (four lines) that will be distributed in houses or other.

To address the leakage electric current of the equipment each home installed cable ground (black) connected by a metal plug ground to put together with the neutral cable channels of electric nets mounted on a distance closest to the electric meter or tool close to switch.

In the events of Hurricane Electric space (space electrical storm) are great, there is likely a current will flow from the underlying soil to reference other land that far. This natural phenomenon can trigger large-scale lamp dead events.

Third is the ground or Ground wires (blue, green, black and red colors aside). This cable is a zero reference in the location of the user, which is connected to ground (ground) at the home user, these cables really come from the metal that was planted in the ground in our homes, cable is a cable that is connected to the security body (chassis) alat2 electricity at home to ensure that users of such equipment would not be subjected to electric shocks.

The third cable was rarely fitted to dirumah-rumah inhabitants, be sure the technician (instalatir) electric cord you attach the ground (ground) on the electrical system at home. This is important, because the installer is an absolute requirement for your safety from the hazards of electrical shock that could be fatal and also several power tools that are sensitive will not work properly if there are electrical induction that appears on chassisnya (for example, due to the effects of current Eddy).

alternating current

The flow of electricity flows from positive to negative channels channels. With a direct current of electricity if we hold only the positive cable (but not holding the negative cable), power will not flow into our bodies (we are not exposed to strum Tuesday). Similarly if we just hold a negative line.

With electricity alternating current, electricity can also flow into the Earth (or the floor). This is caused by an electricity system using the Earth as a reference voltage neutral (ground). This reference, which is usually in pairs in two places (one on the ground in an electric pole and another one on the ground at home). Therefore, if we hold the power source and our feet are treading the Earth or our hands touching the wall, the voltage difference between the electrical cable in hand with tension in the legs (ground), making the electricity flowing from hand to foot so we will experience electric shocks ("exposed strum Tuesday").

Electrical power can be stored, for example on a battery or batteries. Small, for example electricity stored in batteries, won't stun effect on the body. The car battery is great, there is usually a slight stun effect, although not too large and dangerous. Electricity flows from the positive pole of the battery/batteries into the negative pole.