Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

The definition of ideal Gas

The definition of ideal Gas
Gas is one of the three States of matter and although this form is an integral part of the study of chemistry, this chapter mainly discusses only the relationship between the volume, temperature and pressure in both the gas and ideal gas is real, and the molecular kinetic theory of gases, and not directly chemistry. The main discussion was mainly about the change of physics, and chemical reactions are not discussion. However, the physical properties of a gas depend on its gaseous molecular structure and chemical properties of gas also depends on its structure. Behavior of the gas exists as a single molecule is a good example of relying on the microscopic structure of macroscopic properties.

a. the nature of gases
The properties of gases can be dirangkumkan as follows.
Gas is transparent.
Gas is distributed evenly in any form its spatial spaces.
Gas in the space will give pressure to the walls.
The Volume of gas is equal to the volume of their vessels. If the gas does not undertakes, gas volume will be an infinite magnitude, and the pressure is going to be infinitely small.
Gases diffuse into all directions no matter the pressure out there or not.
When two or more mixed gases, the gases would be distributed evenly.
Gas can be suppressed with the outside pressure. When the outside pressure is reduced, the gas expands.
When heated, gases expand when cooled down will be mengkerut.
From various properties above, the most important thing is the pressure of the gas. Suppose a liquid filled containers. When a liquid is cooled down and the volume of liquid is reduced, it will not satisfy the container again. However, the gas will always fulfil space no matter regardless of the temperature. That will be changed is the emphasis.
Tools used to measure gas pressure is a manometer. The prototype of the atmospheric pressure gauge, barometer, created by Torricelli.
Pressure is defined as force per unit area, so pressure = force/area.
In SI, the unit of force is the Newton (N), unit area m2, and the unit of pressure is the Pascal (Pa). 1 atm is approximately equal to the pressure of 1013 hPa.
1 atm = 1,01325 x 105 Pa = 1013,25 hPa
However, in units of non-SI units, Torr, roughly 1/760 of 1 atm, often used to measure the change of pressure in chemical reactions (www.chem-is-try.org)

b. Volume and pressure
The fact that the volume of a gas is changed when the pressure change has been observed since the 17th century by the French philosopher and Torricelli/saintis Blase Pascal (1623-1662). Boyle observed that by wearing the pressure with a certain volume of mercury, the volume of gas trapped in a tube closed at delas one end, would be reduced. In this experiment, the volume of gas measured at a pressure greater than 1 atm.
Boyle makes vacuum pumps use engineering tercangih is the time, and he observed that gas at pressures below 1 atm will expand. After he did a lot of experiments, Boyle suggested equations (6.1) to describe the relationship between pressure and volume V P of the gas. This relationship is known as Boyle's law.
PV = k (a constant) (6.1)
Graphical appearance of Boyle's experiments can be done in two ways. When P is plotted as ordinat and V as the absis, obtained a Hyperbola

c. Volume and temperature
After more than a century the discovery of Boyle's scientist got interested in the relationship between the volume and temperature of the gas. Perhaps because of thermal balloon became the topic of conversation in kotakota that time. French chemist Jacques Alexandre César Charles (1746-1823), a navigator's famous balloons at that time, to recognize that, at fixed pressure, volume of gas will increase when the temperature is raised. This relationship is called Charles's law, even though the data is not quantitative. Gay-Lussac was the one who then memplotkan the volume of gas against temperature and get a straight line (Figure 6.2). For this reason Charles's law is often called Gay-Lussac's law. Both Charles's law and law of Gay-Lussac roughly followed by all gas during condensation does not occur.

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014



indicates a position or relative location on the Earth's surface
shows the size of the area and the distance on the Earth's surface
describe the shape of the Earth's surface
presents data for potential areas of
storing and communicating spatial information
help a job
help in making a design
help the analysis of spatial data

based on the Windows will arise
zenital/azimuthal = flat areas (Polar)
cylinder = tubes (Equator)
Cone/conical Cone = (latitude are)
based on the projection field layout
based on the nature of the original is retained
ekuidistan (distance)
konform (shape and direction)
equivalent (area)
based on x-ray source
gnomonic = globe Center
stereografik = polar
orthomorphic = infinity



a staple on the horizon
parallel meridians = by observing parallel (latitude) and the meridian (line of longitude)
direction and distance
the distance with the distance
direction and direction
position = specifies where resection we stand in the field of the unknown on the map. With the help of two points that are identified either on the map or in the field.
intersection = specifies an appearance that does not exist in the map, but there are in the field with the help of two well known point in field as well as on the map.

compare the points on a map with dots in field
compare it with other existing maps his scale
P2 = (D1/D2) x P1

d1 = the distance on the map is already known

d2 = the distance searched his scale dipeta

p1 = the denominator known map scale

p2 = the map scale denominator is sought

take into account the difference in degrees of latitude
10 = 60 ' = 111km

Ex: difference 5 ' then

the difference then 5 ° 5 ' = (5 ° e/60) x 111

for topographic maps
Ci = (1/2000) x the denominator allusions

MAP-definition types and components

MAP-definition types and components

Definition of map
 a representation or picture elements abstract elements chosen from the surface of the Earth, or that is related to the surface of the Earth or other celestial bodies. The map is generally depicted on a flat field and scaled down with scale


conform = form and direction must match the original
equivalent = area should correspond to the originals after at skalakan
equidistan = the distance should match the originals once in skalakan

a. based on contents

map of General or basic map/map references

topographical map = map that illustrates the topographical appearance are equipped with a system of coordinates, the scale and projection map.
topographic map = map illustrating the relief of the Earth's surface is indicated by the height of the lines with specific references (advance airlaut)
chorografi = map depicts the entire portion of the Earth's surface/impersonal medium-scale, typically sample atlas.
Special or thematic map map = map that has a purpose that is special or specific, i.e. with a topic or a map statistics

qualitative thematic map = map which has a representation of qualitative data, i.e., the presentation of data that shows only spatial or spatial distribution from mapped objects without specifying the value of the object.
Location map of mining

  • Map of the spread of mangroves

  • Map of the spread of the industry

  • Map of the distribution of soil types

quantitative thematic map = map which has the representation of quantitative data, namely the presentation of maps showing subdivisions based on the same data.
Population density map

A map of the level of income

Map of corn production

b. based on his scale

cadastral map (1: 100 to 1: 5000) = map of land, land certificates map
large scale maps (1: 5,000 to 1: 250,000) = map of province
medium-scale map (1: 250,000 to 1: 500,000) = map of the Central Java regional
small scale map (1: 500 000 to 1: 1,000,000) = map of the republic of indonesia
map scale 1: 1,000,000 > geographical world maps, continent maps
c. based on the mapped object

static or stationary map is a map that illustrates the relative fixed or rarely changing, ex map of soil types
dynamic map = map which describes the State of a dynamic or rapidly changing, ex map of transmigration, a map of urbanization
d. based on the way of manufacture:

Map of cognitive/mental map = map without measurement, the result is a floor plan/kartogram
Map terestris
Map photos
e. based on shape

map = based on the shape of embossed surface of the Earth that is actually
flat-map = map made on a flat-field
digital map = map created using a computer

Title = must describe the contents and characteristics of a map drawn
Line edge
Orientation map
The scale of the map
Astronomical lines
Symbol map
-According to its shape

symbol point
symbol outline
isotherm = the same air temperature
isobars = the same air pressure
= isohyet precipitation equal
isohypse = the same height
symbol extents
-According to his

a pictoral symbol = similar to its original state
abstract symbol = symbol that there is no similarity at all of the elements of the elements described
symbol = letters or numbers are taken from the first letter of both names or elements used
-According to the dimensions

one dimension = coastline, boundaries, rivers
two-dimensional = circle, triangle
three dimensional cube, sphere diagram =
-Based on the type of kenampakannya

Relief in sight for the Symbol (symbol hysography), for example the mountain
symbol to appear in the form of water (hidrography symbol)
symbol to appear human cultivation
symbol for the appearance of the vegetation
Typeface latering
Year of manufacture

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

The Impact Of The Pollution Of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

nitrogen oxides air pollution
The Gas nitrogen oxides (NOx) there are two kinds, i.e. the gas nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Both kinds of these gases have different properties and both are extremely harmful to health. NO Gas that pollute the air difficult visually observed due to these gases are colorless and odorless. Whereas NO2 gas when you pollute the air easily observed from a very pungent smell and the colour is reddish brown. Air gas containing NO in the normal limit is relatively safe and harmless, unless NO gas are in high concentration. The high concentration of gas NO can cause disorders of the nervous system resulting in seizures. If this continues to be poisoning can lead to paralysis. NO Gas will become more dangerous if it's oxidized gas sehinggga gas into NO2.

Air which has been polluted by nitrogen oxide gas is not only harmful to humans and animals, but also harmful to plant life. The influence of NOx gas in plants, among others, the incidence of spots on the surface of leaves. At higher concentrations of the gas can cause necrosis, or tissue damage to the leaves. In a State like this leaf may not work perfectly as temapat the formation of carbohydrates through photosynthesis. As a result the plant cannot produce as expected. As many as 10 ppm NO concentration can lower the ability of photosynthesis the leaves up to about 60% to 70%.

Air pollution by NOx gases can cause the onset of Peroxy Nitrates are abbreviated Acetil with PAN. Peroxi Acetil Nitrates is causing irritation of the eye that causes the eye feels poignant and watery. Mix with other chemical compound PAN in the air can cause the occurrence of fog photos or Photo-chemical Smog Chemistry impaired environment.

The influence for health
Nitrogen dioxide are air pollutants generated in the combustion process. When present, the nitrogen dioxide nitrogen oxides are also found; a combination of NO and NO2 are collectively refer to nitrogen oxides (NOx).

At very high concentrations, which may only be experienced on the fatal industrial accidents, NO2 exposure can lead to lung damage that heavy and fast. Health effects may also occur at ambient concentrations are much lower as in the observation during the events of the pollution in the city. The evidence obtained suggested that the spread of possible ambient influences of chronic and acute, especially in the Sub-group populations affected by asthma.

NO2 oxidizing agent as being mainly the possibility of damaging cell membranes and proteins. At high concentrations, air duct will cause acute inflammation. Plus more, the spread in a short time--the influential to increased risk of respiratory tract infections. Although much of the control of the spread of that done, a fact clearly defines the relationship between the concentration or dose and the feedback is not enough.

For the dissemination of an acute, only very high concentrations (> 1880 Mg/m3, 1 ppm) affects the health of people; When people with asthma or lung disease are more susceptible to acute at lower concentrations.