Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

MAP-definition types and components

MAP-definition types and components

Definition of map
 a representation or picture elements abstract elements chosen from the surface of the Earth, or that is related to the surface of the Earth or other celestial bodies. The map is generally depicted on a flat field and scaled down with scale


conform = form and direction must match the original
equivalent = area should correspond to the originals after at skalakan
equidistan = the distance should match the originals once in skalakan

a. based on contents

map of General or basic map/map references

topographical map = map that illustrates the topographical appearance are equipped with a system of coordinates, the scale and projection map.
topographic map = map illustrating the relief of the Earth's surface is indicated by the height of the lines with specific references (advance airlaut)
chorografi = map depicts the entire portion of the Earth's surface/impersonal medium-scale, typically sample atlas.
Special or thematic map map = map that has a purpose that is special or specific, i.e. with a topic or a map statistics

qualitative thematic map = map which has a representation of qualitative data, i.e., the presentation of data that shows only spatial or spatial distribution from mapped objects without specifying the value of the object.
Location map of mining

  • Map of the spread of mangroves

  • Map of the spread of the industry

  • Map of the distribution of soil types

quantitative thematic map = map which has the representation of quantitative data, namely the presentation of maps showing subdivisions based on the same data.
Population density map

A map of the level of income

Map of corn production

b. based on his scale

cadastral map (1: 100 to 1: 5000) = map of land, land certificates map
large scale maps (1: 5,000 to 1: 250,000) = map of province
medium-scale map (1: 250,000 to 1: 500,000) = map of the Central Java regional
small scale map (1: 500 000 to 1: 1,000,000) = map of the republic of indonesia
map scale 1: 1,000,000 > geographical world maps, continent maps
c. based on the mapped object

static or stationary map is a map that illustrates the relative fixed or rarely changing, ex map of soil types
dynamic map = map which describes the State of a dynamic or rapidly changing, ex map of transmigration, a map of urbanization
d. based on the way of manufacture:

Map of cognitive/mental map = map without measurement, the result is a floor plan/kartogram
Map terestris
Map photos
e. based on shape

map = based on the shape of embossed surface of the Earth that is actually
flat-map = map made on a flat-field
digital map = map created using a computer

Title = must describe the contents and characteristics of a map drawn
Line edge
Orientation map
The scale of the map
Astronomical lines
Symbol map
-According to its shape

symbol point
symbol outline
isotherm = the same air temperature
isobars = the same air pressure
= isohyet precipitation equal
isohypse = the same height
symbol extents
-According to his

a pictoral symbol = similar to its original state
abstract symbol = symbol that there is no similarity at all of the elements of the elements described
symbol = letters or numbers are taken from the first letter of both names or elements used
-According to the dimensions

one dimension = coastline, boundaries, rivers
two-dimensional = circle, triangle
three dimensional cube, sphere diagram =
-Based on the type of kenampakannya

Relief in sight for the Symbol (symbol hysography), for example the mountain
symbol to appear in the form of water (hidrography symbol)
symbol to appear human cultivation
symbol for the appearance of the vegetation
Typeface latering
Year of manufacture

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