Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

The major physics theory

Although physics discuss the multiform system, there are several theories that is used overall in physics, not in one plane only. Each theory is believed to be correct, in particular the validity of the region. For example, the theory of classical mechanics can explain the movement of objects with precision, as long as this thing is bigger than atoms and moving at speeds much slower than the speed of light. These theories are still being examined; for example, the admirable aspect of classical mechanics known as chaos theory are found in the twentieth century, three centuries after formulated by Isaac Newton. However, few physicists who consider these basic theories diverge. Therefore, the theories are used as the basis for research into more specialized topics, and all of the principals of physics, whatever his speciality, are expected to understand the theories.
 physics theories
The main concepts of the theory of Subtopik
Classical mechanics of Newton's law of motion, Lagrangian Mechanics, Hamiltonian Mechanics, chaos theory, fluid dynamics, mechanics kontinuum dimension, space, time, motion, Speed, Length, mass, Momentum, Energy, Force, Torque, angular Momentum, conservation law, harmonic oscillator lines, wave Power, effort,
Electrostatic, electromagnetic, Electric Magnetisitas, Maxwell's equations, the flow of electric charge, electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field, Electromagnetic Radiation, Magnetic Monopole

Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, the kinetic theory of heat Engines Boltzmann constant, Entropy, free energy, heat, partition function, temperature
The Path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation, quantum field theory Hamiltonian, identical Particles, the binding of Planck's quantum, quantum harmonic oscillator lines, the wave function, the zero-point Energy
The theory of special relativity, the equivalence principle of general relativity, the four-momentum, frame of reference, time-space, the speed of light

The main fields in physics

Research in physics is divided into several fields that study different aspects of the material world. Condensed matter physics, estimated as a physics major, studying the properties of objects, such as solid objects and liquids that we encounter every day, that comes from mutual interaction of properties and atoms. Physics, Atomic, molecular, optical and dealing with individual atoms and molecules, and the way they absorb and emit light. The field of particle physics, also known as "high-energy physics", studying the properties of particles, super small, much smaller than atoms, including the fundamental particles that make up other objects. Finally, applying the laws of physics Astrophysics to explain astronomical phenomena, ranging from the Sun and other objects in the solar system to the universe as a whole.

Area sub-fields main Concept Theory
Planetary science, cosmology, astrophysics, plasma physics of the Big Bang, cosmic Inflation, general relativity, the universal law of gravity of black holes, cosmic background radiation, Galaxy, gravity,
 Gravitational Radiation, planets, solar system, stars
Physics, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Atomic, Molecular Physics, optics, quantum Optics Diffraction Photonik, electromagnetic radiation, lasers, Polarization, spectral Lines
Accelerator Physics particle physics Nuclear Physics, the standard Model, the theory of unification, M-theory of Fundamental Forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak, strong), the particle element, Antimatter, spontaneous symmetry Braking, Playlist, the overall theory of vacuum Energy
Condensed matter physics, solid-state physics, material Physics, polymer Physics, BCS theory, granular Material Wave Fermi Gas, Bloch, Fermi Liquid theory of many-body phase (solid, liquid, gas, Bose-Einstein Condensate, superconductor, superflu), conduction of electricity, Magnetism, organizing themselves, Rotate, symmetry Braking sponta

The History Of Physics

Since antiquity, people have tried to understand the nature of the objects: why not supported objects fall to the ground, why different materials have different properties, and so on. The other is the nature of the universe, such as the shape of the Earth and celestial objects such as the nature of the Sun and the moon.

Several theories proposed and many wrong. The theory depends a lot of philosophy, and was never ascertained by systematic experiments as popular nowadays. There are exceptions: for example, anachronism and thinker Archimedes Greece lose many quantitative description right from the mechanical and hydrostatic.
historical physicists
In the early 17th century, Galileo opens up the use of experiments to ascertain the truth of the theory of physics, which is the key of the method of science. Galileo formulated and successfully tested several results from mechanical dynamics, especially Law Inert. In 1687, Isaac Newton's Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy published, provide a clear explanation and a successful physics theories: Newton's law of motion, which is a source of classical mechanics; and the law of Gravitation, which describes the fundamental forces of gravity. This theory fits in both experiments. Prinsipia also incorporate some theory in fluid dynamics. Classical mechanics developed heavily by Joseph-Louis de Lagrange, William Rowan Hamilton, and others, who created the formula, principles, and new results. Legal Gravitas start Astrophysics, describing astronomical phenomena using the theory of physics.

From the 18th century onward, thermodynamics was developed by Robert Boyle, Thomas Young, and many others. In 1733, Daniel Bernoulli used statistical arguments in classical mechanics to derive thermodynamic results, started the field of statistical mechanics. In 1798, Thompson demonstrated the conversion of heat into mechanical work, and in 1847 James Joule stated the law of conservation of energy, in the form of mechanical energy in panasa.

The nature of electricity and magnetism are studied by Michael Faraday, Georg Ohm and others. In 1855, James Clerk Maxwell unifies the two phenomena into one theory of electromagnetism, described by Maxwell's equations. Estimates of this theory is the light is electromagnetic waves.

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Nature of science and Science Education in primary school

Nature of science and Science Education in primary school

Natural Sciences (IPA) or science in the sense described above is a narrow discipline consisting of physical sciences (physical sciences) and life sciences (Biological Sciences). That includes the physical sciences are Sciences of astronomy, chemistry, geology, [[mineralogy]], meteorology, and physics, while the life science includes Anatomy, Physiology, zoology, microbiology, embryology, citologi.

IPA (Sci) attempt to generate interest to enhance human intelligence and his understanding of nature with all its contents is full of secrets that are inexhaustible. With the secret veil of natural tersingkapnya it one by one, as well as flowing out of the information it generates, the more extensive coverage of science and the birth of terapannya, i.e., the technology is wide. But from the time that the longer the distance the more narrow, so that the slogan "Science these days is the technology of tomorrow" is a motto many times proven by history. Even now the integral science and technology into the culture of science and technology co-exist (complimentary), like currencies, i.e. one side contains the very essence of Science (the nature of Science) and the other side contains the meaning of technology (the meaning of technology).

IPA discusses the symptoms of nature are organized systematically based on the results of experiments and observations made by humans. It is as expressed by Powler (in Vienna-son, 1992: 125) that IPA is the science that deals with the symptoms and nature of the material that is systematically arranged on a regular basis, generally in the form of a collection of obervasi and experimental results.

Understanding the nature of science

Understanding the nature of science

Natural science or science (science) is derived from the latin word Scientia meaning literally that is knowledge, but then evolved into a special natural science or science. Sund Trowbribge and formulate that science is a collection of knowledge and process.

Whereas Kuslan Stone mentions that Science is a collection of knowledge and the means to obtain and make use of that knowledge. Science is a product and a process can not be separated. "Real Science is both product and process, inseparably Joint" (Agus. S. 2003: 11)

Science as a process of steps taken scientists to conduct an inquiry in order to seek an explanation of the nature of the symptoms. The step is to formulate the problem, formulate a hypothesis, designing experiments, collect data, analyse and end concluded. From here it appears that the fundamental characteristics of Science is the quantification of natural phenomena that may take the form of quantity.