Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Understanding the nature of science

Understanding the nature of science

Natural science or science (science) is derived from the latin word Scientia meaning literally that is knowledge, but then evolved into a special natural science or science. Sund Trowbribge and formulate that science is a collection of knowledge and process.

Whereas Kuslan Stone mentions that Science is a collection of knowledge and the means to obtain and make use of that knowledge. Science is a product and a process can not be separated. "Real Science is both product and process, inseparably Joint" (Agus. S. 2003: 11)

Science as a process of steps taken scientists to conduct an inquiry in order to seek an explanation of the nature of the symptoms. The step is to formulate the problem, formulate a hypothesis, designing experiments, collect data, analyse and end concluded. From here it appears that the fundamental characteristics of Science is the quantification of natural phenomena that may take the form of quantity.

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