Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Kinetic energy - Potential energy - Internal energy

Mechanical work

Work is defined as "an integral limit" as far as the force F s

Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is the energy associated with the motion of an object.

Potential energy

In contrast to the kinetic energy, which is energy due to the motion of a system, or the internal movement of particle, the potential energy of a system is the energy associated with the space configuration of its components and their interactions with each other. The number of particles that emit the style to each other automatically form a system with potential energy. The styles, for example, can arise from electrostatic interactions (see Coulomb's law), or gravity.

Internal energy

Internal energy is the kinetic energy associated with the motion of the molecules, and the potential energy associated with the vibrational and electric energy of rotation of the atoms in the molecule. The internal energy as energy is a function of the circumstances that can be calculated in a system.

energy storage systems

Energy Storage Media is a method or a tool to keep some form of energy that can be taken at any given time for various purposes. A device used to store energy is sometimes called an accumulator. All forms of energy which belong to the potential energy (eg: chemical energy, electrical energy, and so forth) or thermal energy can be stored. Rotary mechanical clock store potential energy in a mechanical voltage.

Batteries store chemical energy that can be converted directly into electrical energy by connecting the two poles with electrical equipment. Energy-saving hydroelectric dams with reservoir water as gravitational potential energy. Food is also an energy storage media, namely, chemical energy, even the ice can be said as a means of thermal energy storage and will be used when the need for cold temperature is required.

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Transistor Grafin: For Super Fast Processors

Do you know how current your computer processor speed? Notebook processor speed or netbookmu? Do you know how the fastest computer processor speed? It turns out all the figures still Mega Hertz (MHz) or Giga Hertz (GHz).

Ever imagine what it's like to use a super fast computer with a speed of 40 Terra Hertz (40.000 GHz)?

This is what is being designed by a Professor of engineering physics named Walter de Heer. In 2008 he found a material for making semiconductors for use in devices including computer processors eletronik. Such material is grafin, a new form of carbon. During this time a semiconductor material that is used in electronic circuit comes from Silicon. We found a lot of Material in the contents of the pencil.

Had previously made models of carbon estimated could be more baih semiconductor material Silicon. And it turns out according to the model of grafin one of the most suitable. One ply of carbon with thicknesses of 1 atom can be made into transistors with speeds hundreds of times faster than today's silicon transistors. MIT Lincoln Laboratory along with, Walter made hundreds of transistors on a chip grafin. The result was further confirmed that the material could be a transistor grafin future generations.

He adds, the silicon transistor-based computer is currently only able to run the latest operating sejumlhha per second of it without over heating. However by grafin, electrons can move faster almost without a hitch so that the heat diihasilkan is also small. What's more, the material, the material itself is grafin conductor of heat so that the heat generated could soon be eliminated quickly. Therefore electronic based grafin will work much faster.

Aircraft Flying Swallow Technique

Have you ever seen a tornado or a whirl wind of a nipple-Pickaxe? All objects that are in the perimeter of the tornado will be flying into the lunar, such as smoked in the direction of the axis of the tornado. Why is it so? Because the air pressure inside a tornado is smaller than the pressure of the surrounding air. Differences in air pressure caused large enough to draw objects such as oil drums, the roof of the House, and even a water buffalo into the vortex of a tornado. So, what to do with swift? Whether swift was able to fly through the vortex of a tornado? Here's the story.

There is a kind of jet fighter equipped with a pair of wings that could be folded back and developed again. Types of wings like this is called a swept-wing, and the wing type is what gives the ability to fly fast and banked sharply for jet fighter – such as the ability of a swallow. Funny thing is, the flight engineers are already making use of the uniqueness of this bird, long before scientists understand and explain it. Not only peswat fighter jets, F-14 Tomcat which use techniques swallow this, but kind of the Concorde passenger jet as well.

Both types of aircraft flying over the need of high speed when flying, but also the ability to slow its speed when it was about to land, without losing altitude, or better to say without losing the ability to maintain the proper height, for reducing speed reduces thrust to the top of the air. Have you ever noticed a bird when about to land or resting on a tree branch? It also is one of the secrets of a swallow will be revealed here.


Experts-physicist Thomas Graham (1805-1869) was a Scottish chemist, inventor of Graham, the inventor of the science of law, colloidal chemistry, discoverer of several terms colloidal chemistry among other colloids, diffusion, osmosis, gels, sol, peptisasi, seneresis, kristaloid, and so on. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on 20 December 1805 and died in London on 11 september 1869 at the age of 64 years. His father wanted him to become a clergyman, but when I was in College in Glasgow, Graham falls in love with physics. Her father was very upset and does not want to again finance the needs of the College and his life. Graham even pleased because it is free from the pressures of parents. He was earning a living as an author and teacher, while continuing his studies. He graduated in 1826 at the age of 21 years. 

Four years later he was appointed full professor in the Institute of so. In 1837 he was also so Professor at University College in London.

John William Struut Of Lord Reileigh: Inventor Of The Argon
Written by madmax
Wednesday, 18 February 2009 03: 06 pm
John William Struut, William ReileighJohn, Lord Struut, Lord Reileigh (1842 – 1919) was a United Kingdom physicist, winner of Nobel Prize for Physics (1904) because finding and isolating Argon (1895) with Ramsay (Scotland chemist). Reileigh also made fundamental discoveries in the field of acoustics and optics. He provided important contributions in almost all fields of classical physics. Except the, Rayleigh physicist also Rector of the University of Cambridge, Director of the laboratory, the President of the Royal Society, and an author.

Rayleigh was born at Terling Place, Witham, United Kingdom and died in Terling Place also on July 30, 1919 at the age of 77 years. Name Strutt. But since at the age of 31 years old he received his father's legacy, since then he is famous by the name of Lord Rayleigh. Lord is a title of nobility.

Charles Augustin de Coulomb: discoverer of Coulomb's law
Written by madmax
Friday, 30 January 2009 08: 06
Charles Augustin de CoulombCharles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806) was a physicist France. Discoverer of Coulomb's law (1785), the inventor of the balance of punter (torque,1777), military engineer, Inspector General of education, and author. He was born in Augouleme, France, on 14 June 1736 and died in Paris on August 23, 1806 at the age of 70 years.
He is very well known because it can measure electrical and magnetic force style carefully. His name in his honour as the unit of electric charge, is the couloumb (abbreviated C). A large number of electric charge = couloumb flowing through a conductor during one second, when a large flow of one ampere.

Couloumb Law reads as follows: "pull Style or the style defends two electrically charged objects is inversely proportional to its distance and is directly proportional to their respective big payloads". To measure the electric style, utilizing a punter or balance Couloumb balances the torque which is very sensitive.

Louis Victor duc De Broglie Wave Electron:
Written by madmax
Monday, 19 January 2009 10: 09 pm
Louis Victor BroglieLouis Victor De duc duc De Broglie (1892-1987) was a French physicist, inventor of the pure wave nature of the electron, author, Professor, doctor, Nobel Prize winners, members of the Institute of Sciences of France and the United Kingdom, Duke. He was born in Dieppe, France, on August 15, 1892 and died in Paris, France on 19 March 1987.
He descended from the high nobility, based in France. The actual name of the small town of Broglie in Normandy. Later the name was changed so the family name. Since the 17th century, the family emerged from the eminent military, political and diplomat.

In De Broglie physics textbooks to be used as the name of physicist who proposed the hypothesis that the wave nature of the electron.

Otto Hahn: Inventors Of The Core Division
Written by madmax
Sunday, 11 January 2009 07: 39 pm
HahnOtto Otto Hahn (1879-1968) was a chemist and physicist, discoverer of nuclear fission Germany (nuclear fission,1938), inventor of the radioactinium (1905), mesothorium (1907) and protakkctinium (1917), Ph.d., Professor, author, President of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (1948-1960). Frietz Strassmann he got together with the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1944. Hahn was born in Frankfffurt am main, Germany, on March 8, 1879 and died in Göttingen, Germany, on July 28, 1968 at the age of 89 years since fall. At the age of 66 years her body was still solidly strong. At the age as old as he is fond of mountain climbing and keeping her condition with a run in the morning every day.

Hahn's father's glazier, he mengharakan Hahn so architects. Hahn's own wish to work in a company. While still in high school, Hahn did not seem to be so prominent people.