Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Aircraft Flying Swallow Technique

Have you ever seen a tornado or a whirl wind of a nipple-Pickaxe? All objects that are in the perimeter of the tornado will be flying into the lunar, such as smoked in the direction of the axis of the tornado. Why is it so? Because the air pressure inside a tornado is smaller than the pressure of the surrounding air. Differences in air pressure caused large enough to draw objects such as oil drums, the roof of the House, and even a water buffalo into the vortex of a tornado. So, what to do with swift? Whether swift was able to fly through the vortex of a tornado? Here's the story.

There is a kind of jet fighter equipped with a pair of wings that could be folded back and developed again. Types of wings like this is called a swept-wing, and the wing type is what gives the ability to fly fast and banked sharply for jet fighter – such as the ability of a swallow. Funny thing is, the flight engineers are already making use of the uniqueness of this bird, long before scientists understand and explain it. Not only peswat fighter jets, F-14 Tomcat which use techniques swallow this, but kind of the Concorde passenger jet as well.

Both types of aircraft flying over the need of high speed when flying, but also the ability to slow its speed when it was about to land, without losing altitude, or better to say without losing the ability to maintain the proper height, for reducing speed reduces thrust to the top of the air. Have you ever noticed a bird when about to land or resting on a tree branch? It also is one of the secrets of a swallow will be revealed here.

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