Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Storage method of methane and Methane energy

Synthetic hydrocarbon fuels

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, experimentally, has been converted into hydrocarbon fuel with the help of energy from other sources. In order to be useful in industry, energy used may be coming from the Sun, and in the future will appear artificial photosynthesis technology. Other alternatives for energy is electricity or heat from solar energy or nuclear.

Compared to hydrogen, almost all hydrocarbon fuels have the advantage of instant use with machinery and infrastructure available today. Generate synthetic hydrocarbon reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere until the fuel burnt longer, so that the same amount of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

Energy storage methods


Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon with the molecular formula CH4. Methane is more easily stored than hydrogen and the infrastructure and facilities of transportation available today. Methane can be generated by power plants through the process of with Sabatier is preceded by the electrolysis of water. The process is as follows:

2 H2O--> 2 H2 + O2
CO2 + 4 H2-CH4 + 2 H2O >

The methane produced is stored and will be used to generate electricity when needed. The water resulting from the production process can be used again for electrolysis, thereby reducing the need for clean water. Oxygen is generated in that process will be used for combustion of methane when the need for energy is required so that the combustion occurs will be more perfect and the resulting energy more efficiently.

The resulting carbon dioxide will go back into the Sabatier process and water vapor will be dikondensasikan to enter into the electrolysis. See the process, this is just a cycle that does not produce greenhouse gases at all in the process.

Method of energy storage hydrogen


Hydrogen is being developed as an energy storage medium. Hydrogen is not a primary energy source, but a portable energy storage method, because hydrogen has to be produced by other energy sources. However, as an energy storage medium, may be significant when viewed his role as renewable energy.

Hydrogen can be used in conventional internal combustion engine or fuel cell that converts the chemical energy directly into electrical energy without any combustion. The production process of hydrogen requires natural gas conversion process by steam, or in a way that might be more ecologically, electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen. A long way to produce carbon dioxide as a by-product in the process.

Loss of energy occurs in a hydrogen storage cycle of production for direct use on vehicles, condensation or compression, and conversion back into electricity, as well as hydrogen storage cycle for the stationary fuel cell usage as a combination of heat and energy with micro-biohidrogen, condensation or compression, and conversion into electricity.

With renewable energy that can not always available such as wind and solar energy, the output of both that energy into electrical energy may be able to perform electrolysis. Whatever the odds are, whether the conversion capabilities of solar and wind energy into electricity are quite low or the energy required to change water into hydrogen, hydrogen is only an energy storage medium will be used only if needed.

Nuclear experts said that using nuclear energy to produce hydrogen will solve the problem of inefficiency in producing hydrogen. They underline sends the possibility of using nuclear power plants at full capacity with continuous electric energy supply to the local power transmission network at peak loads. This means greater efficiency for the NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. The fourth generation of NUCLEAR reactors has the potential to separate hydrogen from water by means of thermo-nuclear heat cycle using iodine-sulfur.

The efficiency of hydrogen penyiimpanan generally range from 50 to 60% overall, which means lower than batteries. It takes about 50 kWh to produce one kilogram of hydrogen by electrolysis, so the cost of the electricity to produce it is important to be discussed. If you use the standard price of Rp. 294,00 per kWh, will then take charge of Rp. 2,000 per kg of hydrogen 14.700, however it does not include other costs such as electrolysis, compressors or condensation, storage, and transportation of the magnitude cannot be ignored.

Underground hydrogen storage is the storage of hydrogen activities in caves, salt domes, or natural gas and oil fields have been exhausted. Large amounts of hydrogen gas has been save by Imperial Chemical Industries in underground caves since a couple of years ago without trouble. Storage of large quantities of hydrogen underground can function as mass energy storage which is essential for the hydrogen keekonomian aspects in the future.

Energy storage methods


Various biofuels such as biodiesel, vegetable oil, alcohol fuels, or biomass can be used to replace hydrocarbon fuels. Various chemical processes can convert the carbon and hydrogen in coal, natural gas, biomass from plants and animals, as well as organic wastes into short chain hydrocarbons suitable as replacements for existing hydrocarbon fuels at this time. Examples are Fischer-Tropsch diesel, methanol, dimethyl ether, or syngas. With oil prices above 35 USD was enough economically promising for biofuel to produce en masse (ECN, 1994).

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Energy storage network

Network storage energy makes energy producers send excess electricity from the electrical transmission network to the storage location of energy that will be issued when electricity needs grow. Energy storage network plays an important role in balancing the supply and demand of energy.

Energy storage methods






Battery flow (flow battery)
Fuel cell


Superconducting magnetic energy storage


Compressed air energy storage
Flywheel energy storage
Hydraulic accumulator
Hydroelectric energy storage


Ice storage
Molten Salt
Liquid Nitrogen
Seasonal thermal energy storage
Outdoor Sun
The bricks are hot
Steam accumulator
Locomotives without a fire

Energy savings

Energy storage (historical)


Energy storage is a natural process that is as old as the age of the universe. Energy appears on the initial creation of the universe and has been stored in various media such as stars, which currently can be used by humans directly (with solar heating), or indirectly (via mariculture farms). Energy storage enables humans to balance the needs and availability of energy.

Energy storage systems commercially today can be categorized into mechanical energy, thermal, chemical, electrical, and nuclear.

As an activity, energy storage has been ongoing since prehistoric times, although not so clearly described as the activities in energy storage. An example is the use of wooden beams and large rocks for defence against the enemy; wooden beams and large rocks was ousted from the Hill to attack the enemies who invade.

Applications that still exists today in terms of energy storage is the control of waterways to drive a steamroller for the processing of the crops or moving the machine. A complex system of dams and reservoirs were built to store water as a source of potential energy. In some areas in the world, with the use of geographic advantage can store large amounts of water when the reservoir is not required, and is released into electrical energy during peak load electricity.

Energy storage (historical) 1

Energy storage became a major factor in economic development with the spread of electrical energy and purification of chemical fuel such as gasoline, kerosene and natural gas in the late 1800s. Unlike the organic energy storage media such as wood or coal, electricity has been used as soon as it is generated the first time. Electricity is often not stored on a large scale, but one day it will be a lot going on with the discovery of electric energy storage technologies like NiMH and Lithium ion battery which is already and able to store electric energy and mensuplainya for electric cars that exist today. Energy storage would be necessary given some type of energy sources cannot be relied upon forever. The wind is not blowing for turbine forever, light from the Sun can not be utilized optimally when cloudy weather or at night. Water power stations even today many are faced by the threat of drought.

Problem solving in energy storage for the purpose of electricity begins with the discovery of the battery at the first time. Electrochemical energy storage device is used to a limited extent because its capacity is small and the cost to make that expensive compared to electric energy produced by electrical pemangkit on the same amounts of energy. Other settlements of the same problem is found with the capacitors.

Energy storage (historical) 2

Chemical fuels have become a common form of energy storage, both in transportation and power plants, though some are difficult to produce returns of constituent. Chemical fuel that is commonly used is coal, gasoline, diesel, natural gas, LPG, propane, butane, ethanol, biodiesel, and hydrogen. This immediately fuel can be converted into mechanical energy and electricity with heat engines (turbine with boilers or internal combustion engines). This type of electric generators used in almost every power plant in the entire world.

Electrochemical devices such as fuel cell developed at the same time with batteries. However, for various reasons, the fuel cell is not well-developed until the manned space flight emerges where non thermal power source required in spacecraft. Development of the fuel cell has been increased this year as a result of the demand for non-energy hydrocarbon source increases.

At this point, liquid hydrocarbon fuels is becoming the dominant form of energy use. However, this type of fuel would produce greenhouse gases when used to drive the engine cars, trucks, trains, ships, and airplanes. The non-carbon energy such as hydrogen, or low carbon emissions such as ethanol and biodiesel, developed to respond to threats that are likely to occur as a result of greenhouse gas emissions.

Several other technologies have also been researched as flywheel or storage of compressed air.

Understanding electricity and its nature

Electricity is the nature of objects that arise from the presence of electric charge. Electricity, can also be interpreted as follows:

Electricity is the condition of certain subatomic particles, such as electrons and protons, which led to the withdrawal and rejection of styles in between.
Electricity is a source of energy that is transmitted via cable. Electric current arises because the electric charge flows from positive to negative channels channels.

Along with magnetism, electricity form the fundamental interaction is known as electromagnetism. Electricity allows the occurrence of many physical phenomena which are widely known, such as lightning, electric field and electric current. Electricity is widely used in industrial applications such as electronic and electrical power.

Electrical properties

Electricity gave rise to the 4 fundamental forces of nature, and its remains in objects can be measured. In this case, the phrase "the amount of electricity used also with the phrase" electrical charge "as well as" the amount of the charge ". There are 2 types of electric charge: positive and negative. Through experiments, payload-a kind of mutual refused and charge-opposite sex attracted to each other. The magnitude of this style is exciting and rejecting established by Coulomb. Some of the effects of power discussed in electrical and electromagnetic phenomena.

The SI unit of electric charge is the coulomb, which has stood for "C". The symbol Q is used in the equation to represent a quantity of electricity or charge. For example, "Q = 0.5 C" means "the quantity of electric charge is the coulomb 0.5".

If the electricity flowing through the special materials, such as tungsten and tungsten, of light emitted by metal will flare it up. Such materials are used in a light bulb (bulb or bulblamp).

Whenever electricity flows through materials which have barriers, it will be hot removed. The greater the flow of electricity, then the heat arising will be doubled. These properties are used on elements of irons and electric stove.