Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

parts of the microscope and functions

parts of the microscope definitions
  • OKULER LENS, the lens closer to the observer's eye lens serves to form a shadow maya, upright, and enlarged from the objective lens
  • OBJECTIVE LENS, this lens is close on the object that this lens forming observe, real shadows, upside down, on the zoom. Where this lens is set by the revolver to determine the magnification of the objective lens.
  • TUBE of the MICROSCOPE (TUBUS), this tube serves to set the focus and objective links with the okuler lens.
  • MAKROMETER (ROUGH PLAYER), makrometer serves to lower tube of the microscope ascending rapidly.
  • MICROMETERS (SMOOTH PLAYER), this control serves to raise and lower the microscope is slow, and the shape is smaller than makrometer.
  • REVOLVER, revolver serves to set the magnification of the objective lens by the way turn it around.
  • REFLECTORS, consisting of two types of flat mirrors and the mirror mirror concave. This serves to reflectors reflect light from the mirror to the table object through the hole in the table object and to the eyes of the observer. The flat mirror used when light in need are met, while if less light then used a concave mirror because it serves to collect light.
  • Diaphragm, serves to regulate many of the incoming light at least.
  • The CONDENSER, the condenser is working to gather the incoming light, this tool can rotate up and down.
  • TABLETOP microscope, serves as a place to put the object to be observed.
  • GLASS CLAMP, clamp it serves to clamp the glass overlay object so that it is not easy to shift.
  • ARM of the MICROSCOPE, serves as a pegangang on a microscope.
  • FOOT of MICROSCOPES, serves to support or prop up a microscope.
  • JOINT INCLINATION (ANGLE CONTROL), to adjust the angle or tegaknya a microscope.

definition of Gas

definition of Gas

The material is a Gas phase. As a liquid, gas has the ability to drain and may change form. But different from the liquid, a gas that is not stuck not charge a predetermined volume, instead they inflate and fill any room in which they are located. Motion energy/kinetic energy in a gas is a substance the greatest form of the second (after the plasma). Due to the addition of this kinetic energy, the gas atoms and molecules often bouncing off one another, let alone if the kinetic energy is growing.

The word "gas" possible created by a chemist of Flanders as the spelling of the word for Greece, pelafalannya chaos (chaos).

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

A Brief History Of The Development Of Oceanography

A Brief History Of The Development Of Oceanography
Preliminary information about the main ocean exploration and trade comes from thousands of years ago. Cruise-cruise that leaves little written information. The Polynesian nation has embarked on a trip to the Pacific to trade around 4000 BC They learn from the experience of ocean sailing. Note the first voyage made by the Pharaoh Snefru around 3200 b.c. In 2750 BC Hannu led an expedition of exploration was first documented from Egypt to the southern Arabian peninsula and the Red Sea.

Some travel the ocean then carried out in the 15th century. The voyage of continents and managed to find the Islands recently. After that, the researchers began to follow their footsteps. Researchers began conducting research on the wind pasat, gulf stream, monsoon and so on.

The first recorded scientific investigations carried out in the 17th century. Edmond Halley started the investigation system of ocean currents and wind in 1685. After that other theories began to appear such as wind theory pasat, UPS and downs, the meridional circulation of the sea, and others. In 1751, Henry Ellis found the cold water below the surface layer. This shows the water coming from the polar regions. From 1768-1779, Captain James Cook had done three times. One of the successes of their voyage is he made a sounding in the depths of up to 400 m (1300 ft) and to obtain the accurate observations of winds, currents and water temperature. His observation is accurate providing much valuable information that he was named as one of the founders of Oceanography. In the United States, Benjamin Franklin, a head post office succeeded in making the first map of the Gulf Stream using information that has been collected by sailing his cousin Timothy Folger, in 1769. Because the data is extremely valuable, being a cruise later in 1847, Matthew Fontaine Maury set international exchange environmental data practices, commercial log book to map and graph that is obtained from the data.

The akuratnya charts and more information going Ocean made many people interested in mengeksplornya. Charles Darwin joined in the research ship the Beagle and became a naturalist from 1831-1836. He described, collect and classify organisms from land and sea. His theories about the formation of atolls is still accepted today. After that research-research on marine life and organisms in water is continuously performed.

Oceanographic exploration continues to grow from time to time. In 1873, the Mariners started doing data gathering observations of wind, currents, waves, temperature and other phenomena that can be observed from the deck of the ship. This became the beginning of the development of the Surface Oceanography. In 1873-1914, the Deep-Sea Exploration Expedition initiated through to examine the condition of the surface and sub-surface. Second time this became the beginning of systematic studies of biology, chemistry, and physics of the ocean known as the Challenger Expedition (1872-1876)

In the early 20th century established the Marine Biological Laboratory, University of California. In 1910-1913, Vilhelm Bjerknes published a book with the title the Dynamic Meteorology and Hydrography that laid the cornerstone of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. In that book, he developed the idea of fronts, dynamic, geostropik flow meter, air-sea interaction, and also the storm. The Systematic National Surveys began in 1925-1940 through detailed research on the area's colonization. Then in 1947-1956, the New Methods, start to do research using new tools, such as seismic research. At this time, theories such as the circulation of the ocean and the Equatorial undercurrent in the Pacific expressed. Later in 1957 to 1978, the International Cooperation begins with doing research and learning process of the multinational Ocean. Theory of circulation published Stommel in the sea. While Kirk Bryan and Michael Cox developed a numerical model of the circulation of the ocean first. After that in 1978-1995 began time of Satellites through the research process of the oceans from space. NASA launched the first oceanographic satellite called SEASAT. Don't stop until there, in 1992, NASA teamed with CNES has developed and launched the Topex/Poseidon satellite, a mapping of surface ocean currents, tidal wave, and every ten days. A year later, for the first time the Topex/Poseidon science team published a map of the global ups and downs are accurate. With the development of science and technology, in 1995 to the present, building the Earth System Science marked with an inquiry about biological interaction globally, chemistry, Ocean and atmospheric physical processes as well as on the surface of the soil use in situ and space data in numerical model *.

55 Web address Data of meteorology

55 Web address Data of meteorology

The following is a collection of web addresses to obtain meteorological data. May be useful:)

Example picture of a streamlined layers 850 mb product www.kma.go.kr

The last Clouds animation

Satellite International/Aviation Weather Center

Satellite Globe – BOMBS

TRMM – Information Flood – CH 24 hours, 2 days and 1 week

Cloud Coverage – TRMM – EIGHT

Japan Satellite

Satellite image of Kochi

Archive For The Cloud – Kochi

Cyclone Tracks-Unisys

Pacific cyclone climatology

Hurricane center – Accu weather

Tropical Cyclone Summaries

Pacific cyclone Track

Joint Typhhon waerning center

Track of tropical cyclone


SOI Pertanggal

Monthly SST anomalies

SST weekly anomaly

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)

Forecast SST (ENVY)

elNino, LaNina, SOI (ENVY)

eLNino, LaNina resource page

ENSO Weekly Update

Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) – Year of ElNino-La Nina

Tahiti-Darwin SOI Graph
http://gcmd.nasa.gov/KeywordSearch/Metadata.do?Portal=GCMD&KeywordPath= [Parameters% 3A + Topic% 3D% 27ATMOSPHERE% 27% 2 c + Term% 3D% 27ATMOSPHERIC + 27% 2 c% PRESSURE + Variable_Level_1% 3D% 27SEA + LEVEL + PRESSURE% 27% 2 c + Detailed_Variable% 3D% 27SLP% 27] OrigMetadataNode = & GCMD EntryId = & NOAA_NWS_CPC_SOI & MetadataView = & Brief MetadataType = 0 & lbnode = mdlb1

Index of marine (SST, DMI, SOI etc.)

ENSO Wrap-up

eLNino-LaNina years – Intensity



Data SYNOP, METAR, UPPERWIND Weather rankings etc, OGIMET


Index of the Monsoon, the MJO index etc.

MJO, Current condition, weekly report, etc.


Scheme Of The MJO

Archive of a streamlined, isobars

A collection of animated a meteorological phenomenon

Animation Of Meteorology

Weather Education Web

Weather Forecasting

Digital learning Pusdiklat BMKG

Upper air Sounding

elnino, lanina

forecast KI, LI, SI, streamline, etc.


Satellite imagery

SST analysis

k index

Lifted Index

Showalter index

RH 500 mb

Streamline 850 mb

Website of meteorology Australia

Three Forms of matter (solid, liquid, and gas)

Three Forms of matter (solid, liquid, and gas)
Everything you see in after them made of material and all the materials on who takes the form of liquid, solid or gas. The material can be changed from one form to another form, for example when a solid ice cream melts and becomes a liquid.

Three forms of matter

All matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms. When two or more atoms join, the atoms that make up molecules. Atoms and molecules combine in different ways to form three types of matter i.e. solid, liquid and gas. This type of matter is called the third extant material. A form of matter that can be experienced by certain substances called phases of matter. Water is the very type of matter we know. The water usually is in a phase of solid (ice), liquid (water) phase and gas phase (steam).


Solid is a material that has the form and volume (the space occupied by solid, liquid, or gas). There are two main ways of solid particles can be composed, i.e. in rows neat or orderly in the order of which does not necessarily. The solid particles-partikelnya arranged in regular rows of neat called crystals. Common examples of crystals is mostly metal, diamond, ice, and salt crystals. The solid particles-partikelnya are not arranged regularly called amorphous. Amorphous solids are usually shiny or textured elastic. Common examples of amorphous solids are wax, glass, rubber, and plastics. Because the particles are clustered close together partikelnya blends, solids can not easily suppressed — solids cannot be narrowed further by pushing it down.

On solid, the individual particles are not moving fast enough to beat the force of attraction between the particles. The particles vibrate but bound tightly in place.

Liquid substances

Such as solid, liquid has a definite volume. Unlike a solid, a liquid substance will be shaped like the current container. Described as viscous liquid (fluid). Viscous is a substance with which molecules move freely past each other, so that its shape adapts viscous. Like solids, the particles in the liquid is composed in a meeting. Compressed liquid is also difficult.

On liquid, the molecules arranged a meeting. Even so, the particles have enough energy to overcome some of the nearby molecules tarik-menariknya and eased past each other.


Gas is a form of matter that is easy to change shape and volume. Such as liquid, gas is described as viscous. The particles in the gas quickly spread filling all available space. As there are great distances between the particles of gas, the gas can easily be compressed to reduce the volume.

In gases, the molecules move very quickly and individuals overcome almost all the styles between the particles. The particles move freely in the entire space occupied room.