Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Various Lake and Definition

Various Lake
Lake: basins occur due to natural events that hold and store the water that comes from rain water, springs or rivers
  • Amiktic Lake: a lake which is not suffered circulation, such as Lake which is covered by a layer of ice on a regular basis for many years
  • Delta Lake: a lake in terbentu River delta
  • Dimiktik Lake: a lake which is free its circulation twice a year, for example in spring and autumn as well as berstratifia
  • According to a certain layer of Kashi in the summer, and changing the layer with the reverse in winter
  • Lakes: Lake Distrofik ranged from 0.001 Micron start s/d 500 microns. Particles in the size of the tsb has a residence time of several seconds can even mencpai a couple of months in the air
  • Monomiktik Cold Lake: a lake with water temperature is never more than 4 derjat Celsius and only 1 period of circulation in summer i.e. at temperatures below 4 degrees Celsius.
  • Lake Monomiktik Lake temperature: hot water is never lower than 4 degrees Celsius, free in winter circulation at a temperature of 4 degree Celsius or above, on summer time-ply plated
  • Oligotrofik Lake: a lake which is only a few foods contain substances and typically contains dissolved O2 depends on large quantities without any trace of the stratification

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